December 10, 2010
Woke up this morning and dressed us warmly then headed out to take John Michael to pre-school. I took my camera because I was taking cupcakes for his school Birthday celebration. He just turned 3.
When I got to my car and cranked it I blasted the defrost and the heat. Hey, what Mom isn’t in a hurry when getting a 3 year old and 8 month old out of the house on time in the morning. Probably not the best idea because once my windshield cleared it was cracked all the way across. Yeah, it was COLD! Now I can’t really say if this was there and I couldn’t see it until the frost cleared or if it happened because of my blasting exercise. But I promise you (as my Mom asked immediately) I did not pour hot water on my windshield!
Well just a mile down the road I passed this. I stopped, backed up and turned around much to the dismay of my 3 year old, got out and took a few shots. Well, who really cares if we’re late now this Mama has to shoot this! This just proves how cold it really was. Running water half frozen. I live in some beautiful country and feel blessed to do so even if I have to drive 40 minutes to pre-school on a freezing morning.