June 4, 2011
When you have your first baby you don’t know what you don’t know. Everyone says you will love this baby more than you could ever imagine. You agree and smile and think oh yes of course I will. Then, you meet your precious life that grew inside your body for so many months and you get smacked in the face with it. Exactly what all the mothers before you meant and were trying to tell you. They knew you couldn’t really get it either when they were saying it. You are now responsible, adult and filled with wonder and amazement as well as utter fear at this life and all the possibilities that it holds. Your first baby made you Mommy so there is a special place they hold in your heart. It isn’t a more important place than your subsequent children hold because they all have their special places too for other reasons. We all love our children equally and for their individual qualities that make them special. All I’m saying is the first made you Mommy! Tears filled my eyes as my Son gave me this flower while we were relaxing on the deck. You made me Mommy and life has been better ever since John Michael. I LOVE you!