April 15, 2015
I can’t believe that I just typed that my baby Andy is one year old in the title of this blog post! I have even had a month to take it in too. As typical for my own children’s photos, this post is a bit late since we took these photos in early March. Where oh where has this year gone? We have loved watching this sweet one grow and learn! He has taken his role as the baby in the family with pride and meets all the “baby” stereotypes. He’s pretty spoiled and loves to be held and is perfect as long as one of his parents are in sight. We wouldn’t have it any other way.
When we ventured out to take these photos my older boys were along. They ran around this field playing ninjas and who knows what like crazy people causing a lot of distraction for Andy. My dear husband worked his tail off helping me to get Andy to smile which was harder than it appears in these photos. He mostly looked at us like we were looney and either tried to crawl away from us after something or toward us to pick him up. We started with 3 balloons which quickly went to 2 and then we just let things play out and captured his true personality. All the little faces that are typical of his personality that I want to remember from this age. His crawling and still toothless grin. Soon there will be teeth and running and everything will change as we move on to a new stage.
We love you baby A!