May 18, 2015
I met this sweet Mama when our oldest were our little’s and since then we have both built a family of 5! Hard to believe that much time has gone by. She let me practice on her pregnant belly when number two was in there and I was just getting a start at learning this whole photography thing. Then, another practice round at newborn photos when she was born. Since then I have been able to capture their family, children and their youngest as a newborn. I have to give a shout out to her husband too as he takes good care of me and my boys at his chiropractic practice, Upper Cervical Care. Keeps us all in tip top shape =)!
We started out session with the entire family decked out in their gorgeous outfits. Ya’ll look great! Then Mom changed the girls into these cute little dresses she found and her sweet boy got to wear his Grandfather’s overalls from when he was a baby. That is pretty special and he is so handsome in them. Hard to make him crack a smile but we managed. The oldest is definitely her leader and the middlehas that mischievous grin that you can’t help but to love. Thank you so much you guys!