April 24, 2017
Hickory, NC Photographer
I recently shared some pictures of my oldest well after his 9th birthday. I am more timely with my youngest and would like to share some photos of him as a 3 year old. He had his birthday in March and coming up soon is my middle’s at the start of May. So, that said, expect one more post soon of my littles and then I will be finished showing them off for a while. I love to do their pictures every year alone to document that age. I like to see their personality shine through and just all the little nuances of what that age brings. Unfortunately, Andy and Levi got slighted last year because of my Mom’s passing in October. I got John’s done but I just couldn’t bring myself to make it happen for them. I hate it but grief is a powerful thing.
On to brighter things … when I saw this field near our home starting to blossom with purple wildflowers I knew I had to use it. So one evening when we had warm sunny weather we headed out and I captured some of John and Andy but the focus was on Andy. As a 3 year old he loved blowing the dandelions and squatting to pick flowers. He roamed and I mostly let him do his thing. He has always had the funniest faces and he showed some off here. We are so lucky to be able to be your parents Andy and we love you.
Andy loves his passy still and proudly claims his role as the baby. I am very proud of him though for starting to use the potty. He is spoiled by his brothers and can get quite demanding for his way. A screamer to say the least. He’s also joyful and loves to dance. He is talking well but a lot of times I am the only one who can understand him. He is super sweet and loves to fall asleep driving a matchbox car on me. His prized possession is his bear which is as big as him and he must take it everywhere. He loves to dance and relax in the hot tub with me. His favorite things are Mickey Mouse and Thomas the Train. He loves going to Tweetsie Railroad and child watch at the Y. He’s loud and exuberant and loves to jump. All boy like all 3 of them.
I can’t believe we have been able to enjoy your life for 3 years Andy. It seems like so long and so short at the same time. Everything has changed and I am so glad I’ve had you about me for hugs and love. I hope your life is amazing sweet boy. You’re out tater tooth tiger! You make ours so much better. All of our children do.