I was very excited to have the honor of second shooting this wedding back in July. Set in beautiful Boone, NC for the ceremony then picturesque Blowing Rock at the Inn at Crestwood for the reception. Not to mention the bride are groom are gorgeous and there were so many beautiful details. All of that […]
August 16, 2012
The day is rapidly approaching for this sweet boy to take those steps into the big world of Kindergarten. Probably tougher on Mommy’s than their baby’s most of the time. It goes by so fast! Although he was shy, he ultimately warmed up a bit and more than that, wow, look at the emotive photos […]
August 8, 2012
What a beautiful wedding that I had the opportunity to second shoot for at Carrigan Farms a few weeks ago. Set in a gorgeous rock quarry with deep water and white sand, well how can you not love the images! Congratulations to this loving couple and their children! A great celebration that I enjoyed being […]
August 4, 2012