Andy is growing soooooo FAST! Time with baby 3 just flies by. It has been so busy lately with photography and soccer season for my older boys that it has been hard to find those little moments. Things are returning to equilibrium though and that means I have time to blog. I have quite a […]
November 10, 2014
Where oh where do I begin? First things first, I LOVE these photos of my boys doing what they do. It is a very healthy thing for any photographer to shoot for themselves and capture the ones they love, naturally, without a plan. I have not done that in a while and it felt GOOD!!! […]
June 24, 2013
I took Levi and John Michael out the other day to a field below our house that was so Springy and green with yellow flowers that I knew I had to hurry and shoot in it! Plus it was time to do a shoot for Levi’s 3rd birthday. He turned 3 last Friday! I decided […]
May 8, 2013