Occasionally I like to blog about my family and our life because it is the thing most near and dear to my heart. Well, last week we added some new members to our clan so of course I had to grab a few snap shots to share with you. I also wanted to wish everyone a happy Easter holiday.
As I’ve said before we live in the country and I don’t mean a little bit. It takes me 40 min. to drive my Son to preschool one way and to the grocery store one way. Would I change it for a minute? Heck no! I LOVE it! I knew for a long time before I met my Husband that this is the life I wanted to carve out and fortunately he did too and the rest is history, err – present!
Living out here provides us the opportunity to do crazy things like raise chickens. So … I’m introducing our new flock. This is our 2nd go round at this and we love having our girls here to provide us with fresh yummy eggs. Yes – there is a difference and they are so good. PS, Levi was a little afraid to hold a chick, which is probably a good thing!
Bok, bok, bokkity bok bok! Happy Easter everyone. I hope you get to enjoy some extra time with your families over the holiday.
“Easter is a time to rejoice, be thankful, be assured that all is forgiven so life extends beyond the soil of earth.”
Byron Pulsifer